Faded Language
Clear gesso on Acrylic
12 inches*48 inches
Language is only a part of the world, and it is unable to describe the whole world. There must be a part of the world that cannot be described in language. Wittgenstein believes that the appearance of these unspeakable things is mysterious, and this appearance is a type of truth. A proposition cannot express the logical form behind it, and the logical structure manifests itself. Language cannot reveal those unspeakable things. The sentence of “an honest person says: ‘I’m lying’” cannot indicate the contradiction. The untenable logic only emerges when you are repeatedly pondering the logical relationship. The truth shows up in the process of your consideration. If “I’m lying” is said by an honest person, the content must be true, then he/she must be lying, and he/she is no longer an honest person. Then he/she is a lier. But if he/she is a lier, and he/she says he/she is lying, then he/she is an honest person. At this time, truth appears in this infinite loop.
Thus, we can conclude that the language we use has very great limitations towards this world. Language is a series of symbols with a sequential order. Temporality is transformed into spatiality when the language is written down. And while the language is being readout, the spatiality has turned back into temporality. Therefore, our existing language is fixed in time and space, time and space are the conditions of language. As the work- Faded Language depicts, as time goes by, the daylights is disappearing, and the written language is fading.
24*8 英寸
语言只是世界的一部分,无法描述整个世界,世界中必然有不能被语言描述的部分。维特根斯坦认为,这些不可言说之物的显现是神秘的,这种显现是一种存在的真理。命题不能表现这个命题中的逻辑形式,逻辑形式在命题中显现。语言不能表现那些不可言说的东西, “an honest person says: “I’m lying” 这句话本身无法表现这句话中存在的矛盾,只有在上下句的逻辑关系间反复推敲才能明白这个命题不可能成立。语言并没有告诉我们这是一句矛盾的话,逻辑与真相也在这个过程中才得以显现。在这句话中,如果诚如一个诚实的人所说,那这句话必然是真的,但这就说明他真的撒谎,因此他就是个骗子。但如果它一旦是一个骗子,却又陈述自己在撒谎,他就又是一个诚实的人。此时,真理在这个无穷无尽的环中里显现。
因此我们可以得出,我们在这个世界上所用的语言具有非常大的局限性,语言是具有前后顺序的一串符号. 被写下来时,时间性被转化成了空间性,而在被读出来,或者如同刚才被您默念出来时,空间性有转化成了时间性。因此,我们现有的语言是被固定在时空之中的。时间与空间是语言存在的条件。在这个作品中,随着时间的推移,太阳渐渐落山,语言渐渐褪去。